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The Ultimate Immersive And Stereo Mixing Template

Music mixers working in Dolby Atmos find the lack of a 2 bus on which to insert processing across the entire mix a big change which takes some getting used to. This detailed video created by friend of the blog Alex Solano shows his template structure which features a method for creating a workaround using folder tracks and routing to allow a conventional stereo-style bus processing workflow.

As well as bus processing, Alex’s template also offers a straightforward method for incorporating hardware processing and easy monitoring of re-renders and references. See how he does it in this free extended tutorial video.

Video Content

Introduction to Immersive and Stereo Mixing

Overview of the evolution of immersive audio since its introduction in 2021. The impact of immersive audio on artists, producers, and the music industry.

Technical Challenges and Solutions

Detailed discussion on the technical upgrades required for Dolby Atmos mixing, including equipment and software. Explanation of the "Early Days" challenges with Pro Tools and Dolby Atmos Renderer integration and how these were addressed.

Two-Stage Mixing Process

Insight into the complexities of transitioning from stereo to immersive mixing and how to maintain consistency across formats.

Innovations in Audio Routing

Introduction to AUX I/O and its role in enhancing audio routing flexibility. The advantages of expanded track widths in Pro Tools for immersive mixing.

The Integrated Dolby Renderer

Exploration of the game-changing Integrated Dolby Renderer in Pro Tools and its significance for immersive and stereo mixing.

Multi-Channel vs Multi-Mono Plugins

A detailed comparison and their respective roles in achieving the desired sound quality in immersive and stereo mixes.

Immersive Mixing Template

A walkthrough of Alex’s personal mixing template, designed to streamline the mixing process and enhance the emotional impact of music.


The video concludes with a reflection on the advancements in immersive
audio mixing and the potential it holds for the future of music

See this gallery in the original post