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If You Use Software Subscriptions Get This App Now

In a recent article we spoke about the importance of keeping a check on the money leaving your business. It appears there’s an app to help you do it… and there’s a free version.

Created by UX designer and developer Emilio Sanchez, Subly is a simple way to keep track of how much you are spending on subscriptions, and can be used for either business or personal use.

Why Subly

On AppSumo this is what he says about why he made the app and more on upcoming features;

“As many of you, I pay for subscriptions to several services for work tools, side projects, streaming services, plus everything else that I need. As these recurring payments stack-up it becomes harder and harder to keep track of them all. I started looking for a centralized place to manage all of my subscriptions, went through a lot of different apps and websites, but couldn't really find a solution that fitted my needs. That’s were I came to the idea of building Subly - A clean and easy-to-use solution to manage all of my subscriptions. While using my solution, I thought maybe I could help others with a similar problem. And that's why I launched Subly! 🥳”

Comprehensive Feature Set

We’ve set up an account to check out Subly after being alerted to the app by community member Scott Sturgis. It took us about 30 minutes to input the data. However, once done the results are impressive. It can show you what you are spending monthly, quarterly and annually, the results can be eye-watering.

Subly is good for:

  • Getting alerts for recurring payments

  • Managing subscriptions across multiple projects

  • Control your company spending per department

  • Create budgets for new projects

  • Spend reporting - getting insights of your costs

Upcoming features

According to the developer there’s more features on the roadmap. One will be bank account integration, that would be helpful for setting up all the different payments. Others included;

  • Chrome extension

  • Mobile App

  • Integrations: Zapier, Quickbooks, Slack

  • Add attachments to subscriptions

  • Invite collaborators

  • Share public URL projects

  • More options for customization

Make you sure you know when there’s money needed for future expenses.

Get It!

We’ve been checking it out and it’s impressive, better still there’s a free version that covers up to 10 subscriptions. We love a few features such as the ability to add a subsciption in one currency which is then converted to your own regional currency. There’s a monthly total for payments leaving the account, as well as reminders to tell you when a payment is coming so you can cancel before the renewal date.

Of course it’s not limited to subscriptions, if you wish you can use it to keep track of all your monthly recurring expenses and see where you may be able to cut costs. We also love the payment graph that shows when there will be expense spikes.

It’s a simple, powerful and super helpful app. We get no payment of any kind for recommending this to you. Check it out.