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Audeze Reveal+ Personalized Virtual Studio Plugin For Headphones Announced For NAMM 2020

Audeze and Embody have announced Audeze Reveal+, which they claim is the world's first artificial intelligence-driven personalized virtual studio plugin that is designed to transport you inside multi-million dollar studios used by award-winning engineers when you are listening on headphones.

In our 5 Predictions For The Pro Audio Industry In 2020 one of our predictions was the growth of recording space modelling. Well, it’s only taken 2 weeks and we have our first example of this being announced in time for NAMM 2020.

Typical virtual studio plugins include room recordings using regular microphones, or a generic dummy head. Unfortunately, this means what you hear is not personalised to your own hearing, which can lead to unwanted tonal colouration and artifacts in what you are listening to.

Reveal+ from Audeze is a personalized virtual studio plugin for headphones and has been designed to provide the critical missing piece, which is you as the listener. In Reveal+, with the help of a powerful AI engine called Aural Map, the response of the studio can be personalised to the way you hear. As a result, they claim that you are virtually transported into a world-class studio, together with your ears.

How It Works

The way it works apparently is that with an image of your right ear the AI-powered Aural Map creates a mathematical model of how you hear sound in the real world, based on your anatomy, known as a Head Related Transfer Function (HRTF). With your personalized HRTF, Reveal+ is designed to enable you, the listener, to the experience being inside an excellent sounding, acoustically treated room.

What’s more Audeze and Embody claim that by using this plugin your mix gets all the benefits of the studio’s acoustics, speakers, and layout when in reality, you might be mixing in your bedroom on a pair of Audeze LCD-1 headphones. 

Carlos de la Garza, Grammy Award-winning mixer, music producer, engineer, musician, and songwriter told us…

“I think Reveal+ is great. When mixing a song or a record, it’s all about trying to ensure that it sounds good everywhere. With Reveal+, to not only have access to a studio that I’m familiar with, but access to other mixing studios to test and see how it sounds there. Reveal+ is an invaluable tool to help ensure the mix is as good as it can be.” 

Warren Huart, British multi-platinum record producer, musician, composer, and recording engineer added…

“Reveal+ is not only the future, but it’s also the present. This is the place to be. It’s the technology to embrace. And I say go for it.”

Reveal+ features precise acoustical models from studios of Grammy-winning engineers and producers, including Carlos de la Garza and Warren Huart, with many more to come!

Pricing And Availability

  • Reveal+ is compatible with any Digital Audio Workstation and features a free, fully functional 14-day trial.

  • Reveal+ is normally priced at $199 but by using the discount code RVLNAMM2020 until January 20th 2020, you can save $40 and get it for $159.

  • The Audeze LCD-1 headphones are priced at $399.

  • Purchase the LCD1 headphones and Reveal+ together using the discount code BNDLNAMM2020 and you pay just $449.

At NAMM? Try It For Yourself

If you are at NAMM then make your way to booth 14631 where you will be able to get a personised demo.

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