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Using The UAD Dytronics Cyclosonic Panner To Spice Up Your Hip Hop Tuba Parts

Sometimes simple left/right panning isn’t enough. The Dytronics Cyclosonic Panner from Universal Audio goes a step further with front to back motion that, combined with traditional panning, creates stunning 3D panning and modulation effects. 

In this free video tutorial, brought to you with the support of Universal Audio, we put it to work on a hip hop tuba part. Yes, you read that correctly, a hip hop tuba part! What better way to add an unusual effect to an unusual instrument, used in an unexpected context than with the Dytronics Cyclosonic Panner’s unique bi-directional “Round Sound” panning. 

Here Eli Krantzberg layers it with a synth bass sound and give it some subtle and unusual motion that adds a subtle swirling character to the bass part that drives a relatively sparse hip hop groove.

See this gallery in the original post