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Switch From macOS Catalina To Windows Suggests Software Developer

It seems that for some, Catalina is just too painful to handle and the solution suggested by one developer is to switch from macOS to Windows.

It’s a somewhat novel approach from Melda who have made a ‘Switching from OSX to Windows” page on their website. You may think it’s just a page that any developer would create to be helpful but there are several clues to the author’s intent…

“Over the years, many users of non-trivial applications have reported compatibility problems in OSX and it looks like there will be even more reports in the future, starting with Catalina. This may be a good time to review your options and consider switching to a different platform.”

And also…

So the real question is, do you want the developers of your DAW and plugins to spend their days trying to fix the problems arising from system upgrades, or to improve their own software products, making them more functional, more powerful, faster, stable and easier to use? If it's the latter one, then the only solution seems to switch to Windows.

It would appear that the move to Catalina is causing this developer some headaches, the parting shot in his article seems to indicate he’s not too happy with Apple development saying “it seems to be getting worse than ever.” and in turn is suggesting the Windows alternative.

We’ve spoken to several small software developers to get their take on the issue and whilst admitting there are some issues, they are dealing with them, as is always the case with a new version of an OS. It’s certainly not a strategy they would use, in fact, some are already macOS Catalina compatible. They all felt it was essential to support both platforms and if they didn’t think that was possible, then they would drop support.

It’s a bold strategy for Melda to post something like this with the potential to alienate macOS users on the one hand, whilst on the other hand, win over Windows users. You can read the whole article here.

What do you think?

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