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Using A Cracked DAW Or Plug-in For Free? Stop Now - It's So Easy To Be Caught Red Handed & Prosecuted. Watch This Music Producer's Video Confession In Which He Admits The Error Of His Ways

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There are a number of people in or around the audio production industry who ignorantly believe that using cracked software is a victimless crime, which we know couldn’t be further from reality as we’ve heard several heartbreaking stories from good friends of ours who develop DAWs and Plug-ins. People often justify their choice to use cracked audio production software by stating the following type of drivel:

  • Software is too expensive

  • I’ll buy it when I start making money

  • Everyone’s using cracked software, why should I be any different?

The list of excuses sadly doesn’t stop there and whatever the excuse it doesn’t justify what is in essence theft! If in the past you found a pirated torrent on a file sharing server only to download, install and use it then did you ever stop to consider that you could get caught? This guy didn’t…

Meet Curtiss King, a professional working and earning a living in the creative industry as a music producer, fellow blogger and content creator who produces online hip-hop production videos. In this video, or as we are calling it “his confession” Curtiss openly shares his recent experiences of using a cracked DAW. He tells us how he used to justify his cracking software habit, why he felt he didn’t need to put his hand in his pocket to pay for the software and how he came to the realisation that pirating software is theft… even if his epiphany was discovered the hard way at least he finally saw the reality of his past actions.

We’ve shared this video not to crucify Curtiss but instead to show you that it is possible to change your views on cracked software for the better. Curtiss quite rightly learned the truth the hard way, his straight up delivery in this video is a really good lesson for those who, like he did, ignorantly justified their usage of cracked software as though it’s a victimless crime.

If you use cracked software, regardless of whether or not you are earning a living from your audio production, regardless of the excuses you preach to others to help you sleep at night… shame on you… watch this video and don’t say we, or Curtiss for that matter, didn’t try to warn you.

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