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12 Days To A Healthy Studio Lifestyle - Day 7

As audio professionals, our work in the recording studio demands a blend of creativity, technical skill, and long hours. This often leads to a lifestyle where health and well-being can unintentionally take a backseat. Our recent survey of audio professionals shows this is the case, with many neglecting their health.

Recognising this, we've put together a special 12-day plan, tailored specifically for those of us who spend our days (and often nights) in the studio.

Each day, we'll be sharing practical and easy-to-implement tips that focus on four key areas: exercise, mindfulness, diet, and sleep. These tips are designed to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule, offering ways to enhance your well-being without disrupting your creative flow.

Whether you're a seasoned audio engineer, a music producer, or someone who's just started their journey in the world of studio recording, this plan is for you. So, let's embark on this 12-day journey together, making small, meaningful changes towards a healthier studio life. 

The Power Of A 15-Minute Walk

A recording or mixing session can be timeless place, where hours can easily blur into a seamless mix of sound and technology choices, stepping outside for a short walk can be a game-changer. This 15-minute escape is not just a break from the studio but an investment in your creative and mental well-being. Let's explore how this simple activity can amplify your productivity and spark your creativity.

The Benefits Of A Short Walk

  • Creativity Unleashed: A change of scenery, even briefly, can dislodge creative blocks and inspire fresh ideas. Nature, in particular, has a unique way of stimulating our creative faculties.

  • Mood Enhancement: Walking, especially in a natural setting, can significantly lift your spirits. The combination of physical activity and a different environment works wonders in elevating mood and reducing stress.

  • Physical Health: Regular short walks are great for cardiovascular health, muscle toning, and improving your overall fitness levels – essential for those long studio sessions.

  • Mental Clarity: Stepping away from the mixing desk allows your mind to reset. This mental clarity often leads to better decision-making and problem-solving once you're back at the controls.

Maximising The Steps

Whilst there doesn’t need to be any agenda for a walk, it might help to consider these ideas when taking one.

  • Nature's Playlist: If possible, choose a route that includes some natural elements, like a park or a tree-lined street. The sounds of nature can be incredibly soothing and a refreshing contrast to studio acoustics.

  • Mindfulness in Motion: Use this time to practise mindfulness. Focus on the sensations of walking – the rhythm of your steps, the feel of the breeze, the sounds around you. This mindfulness practice can heighten your sensory awareness, beneficial in the studio.

  • Solo or Social: While walking alone provides time for introspection, inviting a colleague or friend can turn the walk into a collaborative brainstorming session or simply a chance to unwind and chat.

  • Tech-Free Time: You’ve been surrounded by tech in the studio. So, consider leaving your phone behind or in do not disturb mode. This detachment from constant notifications and screens can make your walk more beneficial.

  • Regular Routine: Incorporate these short walks into your daily schedule. Post-lunch walks can be particularly effective in overcoming the midday slump.

Beyond The Studio

The benefits of a 15-minute walk extend beyond immediate physical and mental well-being. Regularly stepping out can lead to long-term improvements in your health, creativity, and productivity. This simple habit can be a catalyst for a more balanced lifestyle, crucial in the demanding world of audio production.

The Final Mix

In the studio, where precision and creativity are paramount, it's easy to overlook the importance of stepping away from the DAW or the desk. However, a short walk can be the perfect counterpoint to the sedentary and high-concentration studio environment. It's a simple yet powerful tool to recharge, refocus, and rekindle creativity.

Many of the Expert team take walks or go for a run on a regular basis. We even do it when we meet up as a team, it’s a great way to stay fit and chew over ideas. So, take a step outside and let each walk tune your most valuable instrument – yourself.

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