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Dolby Atmos - Find Out How To Mix Music In The Immersive Format

In this video from NAMM 2020, Avid’s application specialist, Jeff Komar takes an in-depth look at working on music projects with Dolby Atmos natively, in Pro Tools, with the power of HDX, Avid S4, and MTRX.

Watch this video to see Jeff give some insights into techniques for mixing music using a combination of objects and bed tracks. He shows how you can switch a track from object to bed and use the same panners in Pro Tools to either control the audio position in a 7.1.2 bed or to send metadata to the Dolby renderer to tell the renderer where to position each object in the room. What is smart is that the Dolby ecosystem will take that metadata and position the sound of the object in the same place, even though the room, speaker positions and number of speakers are different to the room you use to mix in.

The Gear Used In The Demo

In this video, Avid was using an Apple Mac Pro HDX3 system running Pro Tools Ultimate with an Avid S4 control surface and Avid MTRX interface and audio router. In addition, they had the Dolby Atmos Renderer.

A typical Dolby Atmos mix would consist of at least one 7.1.2 bed and up to 118 objects. Some mixers use a series of beds and others mainly use objects. Objects can be mono or stereo and objects don’t have to be dynamic, i.e. moving around, they can be static too.

For more on working in Dolby Atmos check out these articles…

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