Production Expert

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Tip - Using Shuffle Mode To "Stir" Hits In A Loop

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In this free video tutorial, Pro Tools Expert team member Julian Rodgers demonstrates a technique he uses to introduce some randomness into loops and encourage unexpected accidents and some unpredictability in repeating elements.

Shuffle - Not Just For Experimenting With Arrangements

The standard example use of Shuffle mode in music production has always been quick experimentation with song structure. But Shuffle mode can be useful for moving individual beats within loops too. Using Separate at Transients it is quick and easy to split and then using shuffle mode, move the beats of a loop around without changing the loop's length. Doing this in a random way can sometimes turn up interesting rhythms which wouldn't have been reached had they been planned - in much the same way as hardware samplers often produced results which were wrong in a really interesting way... 

Watch the free video to see this in action.

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