Production Expert

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How To Download All Your Original SoundCloud Files Easily - Do It Now!

With the uncertainty surrounding Soundcloud, even with the recent news of a fresh cash injection, it's wise to make sure you have all your tracks backed up on a local machine.

This method is easy and effective and will ensure you pull down the original, not the compressed versions of your audio files.

1. Install Firefox

This method requires the Firefox plug-in DownThemAll! 3.0.8 by Nils Maier, Federico Parodi, Stefano Verna. There are other similar apps but this one pulls down the original file, not the compressed version. DownloadThemAll is donationware so consider this when using it.

2. Install DownloadThemAll

Once you have installed Firefox then install DownThemAll! and restart the browser.

3. See All Your Soundcloud Content In One Page

Go to this URL and login to your SoundCloud Account.

You will then see links to all your original SoundCloud content.

4. Use DownloadThemAll

Now with that window still showing, open the tools window in Firefox and open the DownloadThemAll application.

With the window open and showing all the links use the 'Select All' command to mark all the files then right mouse click and use 'Check Selected Items.'

Select the drive and folder where you want to save them to by using the 'Save Files In' option. To prevent any other content on the page from being downloaded, also select the 'Audio' check box in Filters.

Hit the Start button and go make a coffee.

It's as simple as that. We've tested several ways of doing this at Pro Tools Expert, but this is the simplest and most effective.

We suggest if you haven't got a back-up of the content from your SoundCloud account you do it now.

See this gallery in the original post