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Free Tutorial: Pro Tools 11 Workspace Browser Search Tip

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When Julian covered W For Workspace Browser in his excellent A to Z Series on Pro Tools, community member Ilari Sivil commented...

What about the expanded search in the new workspace? Personally I've liked it a lot more than the old search. You can define the search terms VERY specifically, so that the results are narrowed down quite a bit. I don't find it to be too much of a pain, really. I work mostly in post, and the feature that's REALLY missing for me is the ability to edit clips before throwing them over to the timeline.

I responded...

I am finding the exact opposite. Please do explain how you narrow the search down? At the moment I get more results than before, not less.

Ilari explained...

Theres a button with three horizontal bars next to the examining glass. Click on it, and the expanded search will appear. On the right edge of the expanded search, there's a plus button, which allows you to add modifiers. Up to 8 modifiers are allowed, so you can get quite specific. As a bonus, if you look to the left column, you get to define where the search will take place, like in the older versions.

So I thought I would make a quick free tutorial to show how a normal search didn't narrow the results down and how this tip from Ilari works.