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Review: Defaulter v1.5 From Quiet Art

In Podcast 160, Mike talked about the new version of Defaulter from Quiet Art and promised a show and tell review and here it is. Watch as Mike takes the latest version of Quiet Art’s Defaulter v1.5 for a spin to see if the new RMS feature lives up to his hopes. 

Defaulter is a normalizing plug-in that using the non destructive Clip Gain feature in Pro Tools 10 and above. 

Clip gain is arguably one of the best thing Pro Tools adopted in recent years. Now, Quiet Art Ltd have produced a tool to help you get even more out of it.

Defaulter analyzes the clip and applies Pro Tools’ built-in Clip Gain adjustments to bring it up or down to meet your specified peak level but with v1.5 you can now do the same with a specified RMS level instead. It can be set to ignore clips with levels below a threshold. Because it uses Clip Gain rather than rendering files it is totally non-destructive.

Update April 18th 2015

Vedat has been in touch to say that they have revised and replaced the Macro Set that comes with Defaulter so that it will work with every system.  We recommend existing users download the latest installer from the Quiet Art web site.