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Community Tips - A Selection Of Tips & Tricks Part 7

Even though we have awarded the fourth and final silver iLok, you are continuing to send in your tips to share with the community so here are some more...

Pelle Johansson

When I am on a Macbook Pro, I use a free application called Karabiner to be able to use the numbers on the keyboard as the numbers from the numeric keypad. This also makes a bluetooth numeric keypad work as a numeric keypad and not just as numbers from the regular keyboard. Enter/return-key also works so you can make markers and I have tried it using an LMP bluetooth keypad.


I just remembered another tip using Pro Tools on a Mac, which is too good for a non English user not to share.

When on a Macbook Pro using Swedish keyboard layout, I cannot use the shortcut to change between Mix and Edit windows because on a Swedish keyboard to press "=" I have to press shift+0. I solved this in System Preferences>keyboard>keyboard shortcuts by setting "Move focus to next window" to on and using shortcut command+<. On the Swedish keyboard "<" is located next to left shift and z, so it is a really easy shortcut to use using one hand. When pressing this shortcut I can change between mix, edit, midi editor etc, but it does not change open plug-ins, markers and other floating windows. I use this on my Mac Pro as well because it is located far better than command+= for me.

Mike Greenberg

I like to use Window Configurations in Pro Tools as a way to quickly call up commonly used AudioSuite plug-ins. For example,

  1. Load an AudioSuite plug-in from the pull down menu so it appears on screen.
  2. Move that plug-in window to a convenient location on my displays.
  3. Create a new window configuration and label it with the plug-in name.

Now when you close that plug-in window for screen real estate you can call it up later quickly by using the window configuration shortcut key . 1* on the numeric keypad for that particular window config.

You can make numerous configurations as each one with a number shortcut, similar to memory locations. With the current version of ProTools I can have multiple AudioSuite plug-ins recall on screen with this shortcut. I also make a "home" config to easily clear the screen and go back to just my edit and mix windows or you can use another shortcut for this - Command+Control+Alt+W on a Mac. 

Consider making a template with all of these configurations and either start a project with this template or when working in a session started by someone else you could use "import session data" from my template and import just the window configurations. 

Pedro Lima

Most of the time we use our left hand on the keyboard and the right hand on the mouse to edit or mix. I found that this tip can help you to have more freedom and speed to adjust or even to premix using clip gains. Or you can use this to quickly increase or decrease a large amount of gain in a very easy way.

Instead of using Arrows+Shift+Control to adjust the clip gain, use Shift+Control+Mouse button (or the finger slide on Apple's Mighty Mouse) swipe right (to increase) or left (to decrease). You will see clip gain change on the very speed of your mouse movement. For a better use, keep those rules in mind:

  • If you do this in a fast way, a very large amount of gain will be added;
  • If you found that you had added too much gain, you can always use alt (option) + click on the small fader icon on the clip to return the gain to zero;
  • Be careful twice with the speed of your mouse movement - and it's inertia effect - because if you add more than 16dB and want to undo your gain change to a previous value there will be no more that amount of undos (meaning that you are using the max of 32 steps of undo).

This works with both clip gain line or info view mode. For those who works with System 5 MC you can use the jog shuttle wheel to do this same job in a more intuitive way. However I can't do that on MC Control and have not tested it on S6.

For those who works with trackball, if your device have the "outer ring" on the ball you can use this in the same fashion.

Robert Bowlus

For some projects, I'll have to audition over 50 different music selections to determine which musical direction we want to go with. Alternatively, sometimes I'll get over 30 VO takes without any circle take notes to help me.

  1. Make sure all the tracks you want to use alongside the solo'd track are SOLO SAFE by command clicking the solo button on each track and bus.
  2. Navigate to Options->Solo Mode and select X-OR (Cancels Previous Solo). Lastly, use Shift+S to solo each track you want to audition.

By changing the solo mode, Pro Tools will automatically clear the previous solos and solo only the track you have selected and all the tracks you want to audition your music against will keep playing due to the SOLO SAFE being enabled. This allows you to work much quicker without the worry of accidentally playing 60 music tracks simultaneously and your ears and speakers will thank you.

Please Do Continue sending In Your Tips

  • Send us your tips and tricks that help you in your productions. Use the Contact Us page please.
  • Take a look at the community tips that are on the site to see the kind of thing we are looking for, and also to make sure we haven't covered the tip already.