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Apple May Have Just Given 3.2 Billion Clues To What They Really Care About

In 2012 Apple’s R&D budget was reported to be $3.4billion, this rose to $4.5billion in 2013.

You can bet this was not all spent creating the new Mac Pro or the ‘pro” applications, of course it wasn’t, they have a mixed portfolio and they need to spend money on developing products that give the best ROI. Rumours suggest this includes an iWatch, Apple TV and 3D interfaces, in addition to more iOS devices and iOS.

Apple are reportedly about to spend $3.2 billion acquiring the Beats brand, which includes the overpriced, poor quality audio, fashion headphones and the streaming service, all aimed at consumers markets.

Apple TV is often referred to as Apple’s hobby, ironically it seems that professional products are Apple’s hobby.

Apple may have just given 3.2 billion clues about to what they really care about. Discuss.