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Chuck Russom FX Offers A Green Friday Sale On All Sound Effects Libraries

Chuck Russom are offering significant reductions on all his libraries until December 1st 2014. Check out his site to see what is on offer. If you need some more sound effects libraries then it might be worth checking out Chuck’s site.

Why A Green Friday Sale?

Chuck explains…

It’s that time of year again. When everyone starts rolling out their huge Black Friday sales. But why is it called black Friday? That’s such a dark name, like something bad happened on that day. Well, here at Chuck Russom FX we celebrate Green Friday. It’s green because of all the money you are going to save during our huge sale.

So Friday is now Green, and all of our sound libraries are on sale. Oh, I know what you are saying; “Aren’t you a couple weeks early with this sale?” Who cares! Why wait to save money! Green Friday is happening now, and the sale continues all the way until December 1! Why just have one day of savings? We’re crazy like that. Go save money now, no need to wait two weeks. 

Pro Tools Expert Podcast Extra Sound Effects Panel Interview 

We interviewed Chuck along with Michael Raphael who runs Rabbit Ears Audio and Frank Bry who runs The Recordist. If you are into sound effects this is well worth a listen as we discover how they each got started and how they choose what libraries to record.

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