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Community Tip - Tracking Demo Plug-ins Installed In Pro Tools

With the support of iLok, more tips & tricks from the community. Here is one from Chris Linder….

I have a tip on how to keep track on all the demos and interesting plug-ins out there. To keep a better overview on my installed demos for plugins and software, I placed a whiteboard next to my desk, on which I can keep track of every demo I install, including the expiration date. This way I have always a very good overview on my plug-ins folders and can keep them nice and clean. To take this another step further, I write down all software and/or plug-ins I might want to take a look at in the future. As a result I get a nice little database of plug-ins I have tested and those I want to test! You could also take this to the digital domain, but I find it more comfortable to write it down by hand. Of course you have to create an excel or word file, for the database or you install a pretty big whiteboard ;)

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