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Community Tip - Advice If You Get Itchy Eyes Looking At A Screen

With the support of iLok, more tips & tricks from the community. Here is one from Visawin Honda

Hello PTE fellows, I’m one of those guy who used got stuck on computer screen for really long editing session, specially in the night time. As we know, our eyes tends to get itchy when exposed to screen too long. For me, it was really bad to the point I got headache if I sat longer than 30mins in front of computer. However, I found out about ‘Gunnars’. It is a glass product that saved my life and my big project that due fairly fast. I went from having to take long break with my eyes closed and a headache to nothing within a few days. If anyone who use glasses, you can get your prescription for Gunnars.  Our eyes are also important, especially people who edit the show, we used our eyes alot! It really worked! thanks for great web.

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