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Community Tip - Treating people with respect and thought

With the support of iLok, more tips & tricks from the community. Here is one from Adam Taylor….

A little tip I found useful whilst working in a TV Newsroom. Often I had to mic up guests for down the line interviews, which required them to wear an earpiece. Mic’ing one person who I knew to be both a regular on TV but also with a reputation as fearsomely opinionated, I decided, before unceremoniously shoving a “community earpiece” in their lug, to ask if they carried a personal earpiece they’d rather use.  The guest was astonished, and suprisingly given the reputation almost speechless. All the years they had been working in broadcast they had never been asked this! It put them in a much more amenable mood, and the interview went ahead extremely well. This is not a tip about technology or even necessarily audio - more about treating those you are working with with a little respect and thought. It really can go a long way to making the job better for everyone.

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