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3 Free Mac Utilities That Will Help Us From Emmett Gray

Emmett has made available 3 little utilities that he has written. You can get them for free here. They are all for Snow Leopard and Lion; but currently untested in Mountain Lion.

“Boot Verbose Toggle”, has now been removed - see update.

“SpotDark”, is a droplet to disable Spotlight indexing on a dragged-and-dropped volume.

“Make New Folder Here”, is a droplet to create a new folder in a chosen location. Put this in the dock or on the desktop (as an alias). If you drop a folder on it, the new folder will be created inside that folder. If you drop a file on it, the new folder will be created in that file’s enclosing folder. Double-click it and you can specify a default name for new folders.

Emmett has also released a shareware app called CopyDrop.

CopyDrop is a Finder-based no-frills backup utility intended to be used for user folders, media files, applications, or documents of any kind. The concept of CopyDrop is to make it possible to use the Finder to drag and drop folders, volumes, and files in order to make “smart” copies of them, meaning that identical items already in the destination are not re-copied, saving time. There are two modes, “replace” and “merge”. In “replace” mode, any items existing only in the destination will be removed such that the result will be a destination identical to the source. In “merge” mode, unique items in the destination are untouched such that the destination contains all files that were previously there (and not in the source) plus every file in the source.

Thanks Emmett for these. I am sure people will find them useful. If you do, them please let us and Emmet know.


on 2012-09-07 16:23 by Mike Thornton

Emmett has justed posted the following…

OOPS! Don’t use “Boot Verbose Toggle”. It looks like it’s doing the right thing, but somehow it’s not working properly. If you have run this you will have to restore the file from a backup and set it up for verbose boot manually, if you want to have your system always in verbose boot. I don’t get why my app doesn’t do the right thing, but I’m not going to bother to debug so I’m withdrawing it. Sorry if I caused trouble for anyone.