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Waves Appear To Confirm No AAX DSP Plug-ins Ever

Waves AAX Pro Tools

According to several posts on a thread on the DUC, users have recieved email responses from Waves confomng there will no AAX DSP versions of the Waves plug-ins. This was posted by ‘blairl’…

Waves will support AAX at some point. Waves will NOT support AAX-DSP. There was no hesitation or “wait and see” response. The answer was definitive. No AAX-DSP!

and this from Emcha_audio…

Waves V9 plugins are supported on Pro Tools 10 via RTAS, AudioSuite, and TDM. AAX is not officially supported at this time, however AAX Native will be supported at a later date. Waves AAX DPS support is not planned. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us direct.

Best regards,

Waves Sales Team

865-909-9200 x2

In addition several other users confirmed they have had simple responses. Although there is no offical confirmation on the Waves or Waves Support site at this time, this does seem to be the final nail in the coffin and would appear to confirm Waves are continuing their move to more consumer orientrd plug-ins and leaving the Pro user to work on Native. 

Waves should make some clear announcements very soon or the rumour and speculation is going to do countless damage.