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Pro Tools Quick Tip: Self Contained Session Check

Have you ever had the problem where when you have taken your session somewhere else you find some elements are missing? Wouldn’t it be nice to know where this is going to be a problem before you left base? How about an Indicator in Pro Tools like Session and Timeline in the Edit window that would warn you if you have files split across more than one drive?

Here is a tip to be able to check a session and fix it before sending it off to another facility.

Open the Project Browser and arrange the window so you can see the Path column in the right-hand section. In the example above, you will see that there are some audio files on ‘Storage 7′ while most of the Session is on ‘Work 3′.

Sort the Path column so that Pro Tools bring all the files on each volume together in the list, then you can see how many different drives have files in the session.

To consolidate files onto one drive, highlight all the files on another volume (in this case those on Storage 7) and select Copy and Re-link from the ‘Toolbox’ menu in the Session Browser.

Pro Tools will then ask you where you want to put the copied files: the default offered is the Audio Files folder of the Session on the volume that has the Session document on it.

Select Choose and Pro Tools will go off and copy all the files onto the correct volume as well as re-linking the Session so Pro Tools will use the files in their new location.