Production Expert

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Music Producers Guild Meet With Avid Team

Last night some of the members of the MPG (Music Producers Guild) had a rare opportunity to sit down with Bobby Lombardi and Tony Cariddi from Avid to share their views on various subjects.

In the words of MPG Director Mick Glossop;

“Frank discussions were held on topics including future hardware product development, i.e. Pro Tools HDX, the price of software upgrades, the lack of recognition by Avid of the special value of top professional end users, the lack of real functional improvements for music producers in recent software upgrades, and the parlous state of the Avid website, including the DUC.”

It was great to see Avid so open and receptive to this kind of event - Bobby took copious notes to report back with.

Now I’m guessing some of you are thinking ‘I’d love to have been there’ the good news is that you can be if you are a member of the MPG, we even offer a special offer for those who are members of this site to encourage new people to join. This is just one benefit to being part of the MPG, there are also some great seminars and discounts on gear More info is here